Mentoring, networking and collaboration.

Tel: 416.755.0025

1731 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto, ON, M1R 2X7


 -  - Testimonials

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Karl Thomas Photographer

I learned a lot about the industry and how to take my music and business to the next level. Even better, I have support and guidance maneuvering my career, even two years after taking the program. Canada’s Music Incubator are good people and I can’t say enough positive things about what they are doing.

Angela Saini Artist

Curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim, sagittis nisl rhoncus rhoncus urna

Frank Cardenas Senior Designer
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Curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim, sagittis nisl rhoncus rhoncus urna

Frank Cardenas Senior Designer