Take a look at the 21, CMI-supported Nominees, for the 2020 Western Canadian Music Awards.
The 2020 Western Canadian Music Award have been announced and we are excited to share with you the CMI-supported artists, managers, and partners we're rooting for: BreakOut Artist of the Year: Alexandria Maillot Ariel Posen Begonia – MB (Manager, Stu Anderson, Mighty Cypress Talent
The Allan Slaight JUNOMaster Class is now accepting submissions
Now in its sixth year, The Allan Slaight JUNO Master Class is back and ready for three more emerging artists. The program is renowned for offering artists with opportunities to hone their craft and further develop their music careers, including
August Session of Artist Entrepreneur to be Delivered Virtually
The Artist Entrepreneur program is going virtual. Given the ongoing uncertainty and safety concerns around COVID-19, CMI has determined that moving our annual August/September AE session online is the right course of action for the artists we serve, the CMI team, program partners and